It's Your Business
Be Proactive Today or Reactive Tomorrow

Business Development Services for the Hearing Aid Industry

As a premier provider of business development services, SBD's experience, knowledge and skills are highly sought after. As competition, managed care, over-the-counter, big-box retail, manufacturer-owned retail, etc. grows, the pressure to increase revenue and maintain profitability needs to be a major focus. Additionally, the need for infrastructure development is a top priority.

We Put Systems in Place To Create Sustainable Profitability!

SBD can revise your current operations to bring immediate results! We can show the practice owner how to increase employee productivity by implementing "Productivity-based Incentive" systems for those employees who impact your bottom line. Our unique perspective on solving business owner needs is why owners engage our services.


  • Front Office Training
  • Audiologist/Hearing Instrument Specialist Sales Training
  • Patient Retention
  • Patient Recall
  • KPI Active Management
  • Financial Review/Goal Planning/Strategic Development
  • Human Resources
  • Misc. Business Development


  • Managing KPIs
  • Mission Critical Behaviors
  • Performance Systems
  • Patient Retention
  • Pre/Post Measurements
  • Quality Assurance
  • Business Analysis
  • Misc. Business Development


  • Maximized Opportunities
  • Increased Closure Rate
  • Reduced Returns
  • Patient Satisfaction
  • Improved ASP
  • Schedule Efficiency

Take Control of Your Business

As a business owner, you play many roles within the organization’s operations. To create a sustainable business model, here are some very important questions to consider:

Take Control Today

When was the last time you had outside experts reviewing your business to make sure you have the systems and infrastructure in place for sustainable profitability?

Managed Care/Third Party

How do you effectively work with third party/managed Care?

Immediate Results

Do you want to drive incremental units into your practice in less than 30 days?

Marketing ROI

Is your marketing producing the results it used to?

Future Planning

Where do you want your practice to be in five years and how are you going to get there?

Staff Productivity

Are your employees as productive as they should be?

Exit Strategy

Should you decide to sell your practice, will it yield what you think it is worth?

Work/Life Balance

Is your business your life? Do you have a balanced home life?

These questions likely bring to mind some areas of opportunity within your daily operations. SBD not only has the answers but the solutions, as well, with a step-by-step implementation process.

Connect today to obtain additional information and to take control of your business!


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